The shareware software(s) are generally free of the cost and they do not contain many functions which you may find in the paid or the premium versions. These software(s) are free to download and easily available in the internet sources like the shareware specialized websites. You can visit the websites and then search the desired shareware by simple visiting the list of the download(s) or by searching into the search bar. Once you put the name of the desired shareware in the search bar, the screen will show you the list of all shareware software, if available, with the matching name you have typed. However, these software(s) may be downloaded on the both free and paid basis.
Here we have the list of top five websites from where you can get your desired shareware by making payments through the online payment sources like the credit card, debit card, etc.
This website may be known as “Mother” of all software and shareware. You are going to have bundle of varieties even of the same genre like the music, security, browsers, business, emails, videos, desktop tools, internet tools, security tools, drivers, educational shareware, games, etc. You can also download them for free and paid versions as well. The website will ask you to download for free or to purchase the licensed versions. The free versions may not be fully functional and are for limited period of time. The licensed are for lifetime with full functions. The payment method is also so easy and it is considered amongst the top reliable websites.
This amazing website will allow you to find out hundreds of shareware and software relevant to Microsoft operating system, Mac, Android, etc. You can click on the “Purchase” button on the top left side of the website and then a page will pop-up to show you the price-wise list of shareware. You can select the best you want and put the purchase order. It may ask your banking credentials and after confirmation of the order, you will get it within the stipulated period of the time. International deliveries may take extra time and extra money according to terms & conditions.
This website is a wonderful platform for the free shareware searchers and you may get a vast variety of free and paid shareware at the single place. The website covers shareware for all types of the operating systems like the Windows, Mac, Linux and then Freeware. Click on the freeware button. It provides a list of genres at its left side of the page and you can select the favorite or required genre and it will explore the list of shareware under that specific genre like the Downloaders, Videos, Converters, Recovery, Music, Security, Sftp, Ftp Servers, PDF, Gaming, etc.
It is suggested to take guide from the friends and other experts in your surroundings who have experienced in purchasing online shareware. It will help you to take decision whether to purchase from which platform. Never hesitate but never be so hurry as well.

We are the professional shareware developers and we understand the needs of our users. We have a structure of a complete and professional team who are busy in developing the creative shareware(s) for both the computer and mobile phone users.